Snails VS Escargot

So, what is the difference?

The primary difference between SNAILS and those labelled as “ESCARGOT” often lies in their species, size, preparation, and intended culinary use.

  1. SPECIES: Escargot typically refers to specific species of land snails that are cultivated and prepared for gastronomic purposes. Common species used for escargot include Helix pomatia (commonly known as Burgundy snail) and Helix aspersa (known as garden snail or petit-gris). These species are chosen for their taste and texture.
  1. SIZE:  Escargot is also smaller in size than snails.
  1. PREPARATION: Snails  are often prepared differently from those labeled as escargot. Escargot are typically cooked in a specific manner, often involving garlic butter, herbs, and sometimes wine or brandy, to enhance their flavour. The shells are often used as a vessel for serving. Snails may be prepared in various ways depending on the culinary tradition, but they may not receive the same specialised treatment as escargot.
  1. CULINARY USE: Escargot is a delicacy in many cuisines, particularly in French cuisine,where it is often served as an appetiser or main course. It’s associated with a more upscale dining experience. Snails might be used in a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, or pasta, and may not necessarily be considered a delicacy.

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